
Without sticking

Classic cakes. Elaborate gateaux. Trendy muffins. Imaginative cupcakes. With versatile Toppits® baking aids you can fully concentrate on the art of baking. The oven and your baking trays remain clean. The rest is just fun!

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Fresh keeping


Ausgestochener Teig in herzform



Storage & On the go



Aluminium foil for baking

With aluminium foil for baking from Toppits® baking will be even more fun in future!  Aluminium foil for baking combines the advantages of baking paper ...

Baking paper

Baking is fun - if there wasn´t for the constant slipping and rolling up of the baking paper. This is about to end right now: with the new and ...

Baking sheets

Remove a sheet, cover the baking tray and just start baking: The new baking paper sheets with non-slip base make baking even more comfortable. No ...

Piping bags

With Toppits® piping bags, cakes, cupcakes and muffins become true works of art! Decorate, embellish and design - no limits are set on your ...

That could be also interesting for you

How to keep things organised on the go with a Zipper® all-purpose bag.

How to beautifully decorate your Easter table with muffin cases.

Eis selber machen und das ganz ohne Eismaschine? Das geht – und zwar mit diesem Bananen- Nicecream Rezept so einfach wie nie zuvor! Das richtige Equipment hast du sicherlich zuhause, also her mit dem Gefrierbeutel und gleich ausprobieren!